Rest & Renewal 2018: The simple things in life.
Published Jan 03 2018 in New Collections

I opened the door to my studio today after a 2 week vacation away in Kailua, Hawaii. I poured out the beads I purchased in my favourite bead store from Hawaii & immediately began sketching and arranging them in what will become part of my spring and summer collection 2018. It's always exciting, fun and challenging to bring my ideas and sketches to life.
These beads bring to me memories of enjoying the simple things in life. We usually stay at my sister's home in beautiful Kailua. We made homemade ricotta and yogurt, took the boat out to Kaneohe Bay, devoured poke from Tamura's, ate at cool restaurants, and wore flip flops everyday. I try to run everyday; always relishing the last run of the trip. Near the end of a run my husband said: this is your last 4 minutes running in Hawaii. I didn't sprint...I jogged slowly and felt the sun on my face.
Here's to feeling the sun on your face and enjoying the simple things in life.
I am forever grateful.
Previous: Inner Spirit Collection: Calm, Serenity & Balance Next: 2017 Christmas Show: Gratitude