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Molten Collection: Pure Chemistry

Published Aug 27 2018 in New Collections

Nothing is more satisfying than taking my silver and bronze out of my kiln and seeing my work come to life.  I’ve hand formed literally thousands of  silver and bronze clay pieces into various links and deconstructed pendants over the years.  I’ve watched my silver pieces become molten pieces of liquid metal under a torch and in my kiln.  And I’ve sifted through my coal carbon and pulled out bronze pieces that have sintered under intense temperatures up to 1600 degrees farehnheit.  I love and appreciate the process from start to finish. 

The Molten Collection is one that celebrates pure chemistry.  It is a homage to those incredibly high temperatures and liquified pieces of silver and bronze that change from a solid to a liquid and back to a solid.  This collection is one of raw and irregular shapes.  No two pieces are the same as unique bumps and gentle curves characterize each individual pendant.  It is finding beauty in the rough. 

And so I bring to you the Molten Collection from my hands to yours: raw, strong & feminine.



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